Thursday, December 31, 2009

RCU Solaris and other Unix

Do you need to install SOA Suite and/or Webcenter repository, and don't have access to a Linux or Windows machine to run the rcu script.

Unzip the Linux rcu and modify the script found in rcuHome/bin/rcu to reflect the following:

JRE_DIR=$JAVA_HOME/jre <- To point to your JDK

Comment out the 'exit' in the section which starts with:

#Platform Checking

Remember, this can only be used to install the SOA and Webcenter related repository schemas, and will definitely fail on the Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Portal creation.

SOA 11g Human Task Interaction

If you are using the supplied API to interact with the Human Task engine in the Oracle SOA Suite 11g and encounter an extremely high memory usage, make sure that the interaction pattern is correct:

1. ITaskQueryService.Authenticate
2. ITaskQueryService.queryTask or other type of task related service using the IWorkflowcontext created in step 1
3. ITaskQueryService.destroyWorkflowContext(IWorkflowContext)

If you don't release the IWorkflowContext (Step 3), it will be pinned in memory and consume a lot of memory.